Friday, March 13, 2015

New Season for Passover Blogs

I had fully intended to have all posts for Passover Blogs finished the first season, but now we are going into the third or fourth:  I have concentrated on trying to finish and bring in order the first series since it was, well, sort of cast to the whirlwind.   Easter is not far, 'Resurrection Sunday' and in addition to a few new studies this year, I am committing to continuing the series year round, and sharing some helpful Bible aids, charts and tables for your continued study.   Join us this week for the first new study as we turn to the events in what some refer to as the 'passion of Christ' answering the question of what really occurred on Golgotha as the sky darkened, the earth trembled, and the Savior of Israel delivered a slumbering nation.   Coming shortly...

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