Friday, March 27, 2015

A word at passover

For several years, I have attempted to provide in excellent form, bible studies for free, in this particular blog, on The Passover and the Savior.   I am finally at the point of exasperation at the lack of Christian behavior, and civil behavior towards my work and these studies.

I am a former college professor,  who has studied the Word of God for 30 years, daily:  I started theological training after a career in Psychology but did not finish, but spent the next 30 years independently continuing my studies.  However, even if I had a 3rd grade education, I will still by law be accorded the right to write without encumbrance.

For Christians: Jesus nor the Scriptures forbid women or non-pastors from teaching and preaching the Gospel:  far from it, the 'great commission' commands every believer to be an agent of the Gospel: preaching, teaching, speaking, telling, showing:  it is never forbidden for any in Christ: there is no age limit, no racial kind, no male nor female, no 'Jew nor Greek':  it is the calling of every believer, trained or untrained,  new believer or one of many years: we are commanded to take the Gospel forward.

We are also never to build upon another's foundation, i.e.  we are not to interfere with, take over or 'overthrow' the work of another in Christ.   In the Gospel this is sometimes difficult since we teach the same topics which have been taught for 2000 years.   Unfortunately though,  these studies are enough of interest that some 'marketeers' feel that they will sell,  by I have obeyed the biblical command, 'freely given, freely give':  I am astounded at the viscious, non-stop ruin of these
 studies, designed to bring people to a deeper love and understanding of the Lord and his Word.

Blogger offers free blogging:  if you or your organization think you can do better, register a blog and go for it, but on your own material and not mine.  The height of hypocrisy has got to be ruining a blog on Christ and the Passover at Eastertime:  the portrayal of the greatest love on earth.   Teaching the Word is not a competition or a marketplace:  if you do not love the ways of Christ,  leave the church, market 'vegomatics' or some such thing, but leave the things of the Lord alone.  For those of different faiths who encounter this site:  you are free to express other doctrines, which I find false, but the law gives us both the right to express ourselves:   no true religion has to ruin the appearance or writing of a website bible study:  the truth has a life of its own.

I am pleading with people to leave this work alone:  it will live or die on its own:  there is never a reason to ruin, slander, or make someone look bad in order to take over a bible study:  it is the highest point of insanity.   Who is on the Lord's side?

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